Andy Galpin's Supplements to Maximize Performance

Andy Galpin's Supplements to Maximize Performance


Andy Galpin, a professor at California State University Fullerton, is widely recognized for his expertise in kinesiology and human performance. With numerous publications on exercise physiology, strength training, and sports nutrition, he advocates for evidence-based strategies to enhance muscle recovery, endurance, and well-being. A frequent media contributor, Andy also now has his own podcast titled “Preform” where much of this information was taken from. Let’s explore the supplements he uses, their purposes, and any recommended brands.

Note these are things Dr. Galpin has suggested based on his research and coaching experience  but before adding anything to your supplementation regiment talk to your doctor. 

*To be transparent I have made product links affiliate but have linked supplements mentioned by Dr. Galpin and ones I have used/researched


  1. Creatine Monohydrate  (~5 grams daily depending on bodyweight)
    1. Throne, ON, Sports Research  
  2. Protein Powder- To meet protein goals
    1. Momentous, Promix
  3. Glutamine (20 grams daily split between morning and evening) 
    1. Momentus, Nutricost  
  4. Citrulline (3-6 grams daily)
    1. Doctors Best, Nutricost
  5. Beta-Alanine (3.2-6.4 grams daily)
    1. Throne, Nutricost 
  6. Fish Oil (2-5 grams daily)
    1. Viva Naturals ,Nordic Naturals, Carlsons 
  7. Multivitamin (Daily)
    1. Throne, Pure Encapsulations
    2. Favorite budget option: Life Extension
  8. Vitamin D (3,000-5,000IUs to keep blood levels at ~50ng/dl)
    1. Jarrow , Life Extension
  9. Ashwagandha (200-500mg)
    1. Jarrow , Life Extensions

Supplement Details


Creatine Monohydrate

Galpin supports the use of creatine for its benefits in increasing muscle mass, enhancing strength, and improving high-intensity exercise performance. Recent research also shows promising  potential cognitive benefits.

In terms of type of Creatine like many he says to stick with Creatine monohydrate as it’s the most studied, cost effective, and easily found.

Lastly he has also lately been also highlighting the positive effects of Creatine on repeated head impacts and that replenishing Creatine stores after any head trauma is a good idea. [source]


Dr. Galpin says that the conventional 5 grams per day is a fine starting point but does scale the dose on ones bodyweight. On the Huberman Lab podcast episode #65 he gives the example of a female athlete around 125 lb getting 3 grams daily and a 300 lb athlete getting in the 7-10 gram range. 

In terms of brands Andy Galpin mentioned using Throne but has also stated any monohydrate from a reputable company is fine like ON, Sports Research  


Dr. Galpin, like many performance coaches, emphasizes the importance of protein intake for muscle repair and growth. In discussions on The Huberman Lab podcast Andy mentions preferring animal based proteins with a full amino acid profile like Whey if possible but if protein intake is high the details on protein quality, type, and timing are largely unimportant. [source]

Protein does fall more on the nutrition side vs. supplementation side but wanted to include it as getting sufficient protein intake is something Dr. Galpin highlights frequently.     


In terms of dose this depends on a person's weight and he recommends 1.6-2.2 grams per kilogram of body mass or 0.8-1 gram per pound of body mass as optimal for muscle recovery and growth based on current research. 

Andy is a partner of Momentous so recommend their Whey protein  but I also like Promix and Nutricost 


Glutamine is a nonessential essential amino acid and one of the most abundant in muscle tissue. Andy Galpin recommends looking at glutamine supplementation due to its possible benefits for athletes and people under high stress loads. These benefits include: enhanced muscle recovery, immune support, improved gut health, and stress reduction. Glutamine is thought to enhance recovery through promoting enterocyte growth and acting as an anti-inflammatory. 


Dr. Galpin discusses taking 20 grams daily and takes half in the morning and half in the evening. For these doses powdered form is usually easier like those from  Momentus and Nutricost


Citrulline is an amino acid that can increase nitric oxide similarly to beets and beetroot. Citrulline and other nitric acid boosters increase blood flow during experience and help with the transport of oxygen and nutrients to muscles [source]. Beets are also effective as nitric acid boosters but due to large variation in quality Citrulline is generally easier to dose. It helps increase levels of arginine in the body, which can enhance nitric oxide production, leading to better blood circulation during exercise. [source


I was unable to find Dr. Galpins thoughts on Citrulline dosing but a safe and recommended dose per the Clevalnd clinic was 3-6 grams daily taken about an hour prior to exercise.  

Note if you use Citrulline Malate form there is less Citrulline so a dose around 8 grams is typical 

Due to larger dose I prefer powdered form like those from Doctors Best and Nutricost but capsules like those from Doublewood also are a fine option



This supplement helps increase muscle carnosine levels, which can enhance performance in high-intensity exercises and delay fatigue. Galpin suggests it is particularly beneficial for endurance athletes.


Again I was unable to find Andy’s preferred dose or brand but Examine mentions a dose of 3.2-6.4 grams taken daily has been shown to enhance exercise performance. 

I have had success using capsules from Throne and also think a powdered form like from Nutricost is a good option.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Galpin recommends omega-3s for their many benefits including: anti-inflammatory properties,muscle recovery, mood enhancement, and reduction in cardiovascular disease risk. [source] [source] [source]


He suggests taking 2-5 grams of omega-3s daily on the Huberman Lab podcast. Some of my favorite high quality fish oil options are  Nordic Naturals , Carlsons , and Viva Naturals 



A comprehensive multivitamin can help fill nutritional gaps, especially for those with dietary restrictions or high training loads. Galpin suggests choosing high-quality formulations and is pretty clear that research on multivitamins is mixed and that most other items on this list have more proven effects. 


Andy mentions taking multivitamin in morning and evening with my favorite options beingThrone, Pure Encapsulations

Favorite budget option: Life Extension

Vitamin D

Given its role in bone health, immune function, and muscle performance, Galpin advocates for maintaining adequate vitamin D levels and notes that many  populations are at risk of deficiency. He has mentioned treating this as one of his core supplements for overall health and performance.


I did not find a quote from Dr. Galpin on the dose he takes but in general getting blood work to test vitamin D levels is advised and a dose of 2,000-5,000 IUs daily is a good starting point to get blood levels is the believed ideal 40 and 60 ng/m

Jarrow , Life Extension are some of my personal used brands


Galpin mentions Ashwagandha in an interview with Tim Ferris saying it can be useful for regulating cortisol and help with managing stress and better sleep.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that through its ability to regulate cortisol may also help increase testosterone levels in men and support cognitive function

Typical doses are from 200-500mg and some brands I recommend are: Jarrow and Life Extensions but if a NSF source is needed Dr. Galpin says Klean Athlete is only product he is aware of 


These are some supplements recommended and used by Dr. Galpin but he is clear that supplements can offer benefit but should be only looked at after the bigger levers like sleep, training, and nutrition are in order.

He is a fan of using single ingredient formulations to better measure their impact and also states to be way of quality and dose.

  1. Andrew Huberman's Supplement
  2. Rhonda Patrick Supplement List
  3. Peter Attia Supplement List